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The Master Teacher of
A Course In Miracles

Demonstrating the manner and method of
your escape from the bondage of space time.

The material presented in this website offers a proven direct method of restoring communication with the Creative Source of all that is or ever can or will be. It is an invitation to an immediate contact with the singular power of the reality of Eternal Life that is all about you.


Lesson of the Day

from the Workbook of A Course In Miracles


Review of Lessons 1 - 5

The review for today covers the following ideas:

(1) Nothing I see means anything. The reason this is so is that I see nothing, and nothing has no meaning. It is necessary that I recognize this, that I may learn to see. What I think I see now is taking the place of vision. I must let it go by realizing it has no meaning, so that vision may take its place.

(2) I have given what I see all the meaning it has for me. I have judged everything I look upon, and it is this and only this I see. This is not vision. It is merely an illusion of reality, because my judgments have been made quite apart from reality. I am willing to recognize the lack of validity in my judgments, because I want to see. My judgments have hurt me, and I do not want to see according to them.

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Master Teacher Radio

The Timeless Voice of Resurrected Mind

Broadcasting in total the unity and singleness
of purpose of the universe.

Master Teacher Radio

Video of the Day

Baptized By A Breath Of Light
Healing Target: Lung Disease

Episode I

Video of the Day

Thought of the Day

From A Spiritual Teacher’s Notebook

The problem is not that the Universe is many dimensional, but that it is any dimensional. Any concept of dimension at all must extrapolate to objectivity or duality.

You are constructed in a posture of reasoning where infinity is subtracted from the so-called scientific process.

Finally the single anomaly that must forever exist for finite mind reasoning is infinity. It is, however, an absolute probability that finite or limited thought (what you might call activated potential) will reach a conclusion of a finite infinity.

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