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The Master Teacher of
A Course In Miracles

Demonstrating the manner and method of
your escape from the bondage of space time.

The material presented in this website offers a proven direct method of restoring communication with the Creative Source of all that is or ever can or will be. It is an invitation to an immediate contact with the singular power of the reality of Eternal Life that is all about you.


Lesson of the Day

from the Workbook of A Course In Miracles


There Is Nothing To Fear.

The idea for today simply states a fact. It is not a fact to those who believe in illusions, but illusions are not facts. In truth there is nothing to fear. It is very easy to recognize this. But it is very difficult to recognize it for those who want illusions to be true.

Today’s practice periods will be very short, very simple and very frequent. Merely repeat the idea as often as possible. You can use it with your eyes open at any time and in any situation. It is strongly recommended, however, that you take a minute or so whenever possible to close your eyes and repeat the idea slowly to yourself several times. It is particularly important that you use the idea immediately, should anything disturb your peace of mind.

Read entire Lesson

Master Teacher Radio

The Timeless Voice of Resurrected Mind

Broadcasting in total the unity and singleness
of purpose of the universe.

Master Teacher Radio

Video of the Day

The 12 Step Program And A Course In Miracles

Recovering From A Terminal Disease

Episode II

Video of the Day

Thought of the Day

From A Spiritual Teacher’s Notebook

The highest thought that objective consciousness can have or express is “Everything is nothing”. It does so, and then proceeds to search for something more than the nothing it proclaims to be everything. It quite literally tries to express or possess more than everything, only to discover that its more than everything is still nothing.

Tell me, Dear Brother, Why have the message “Everything is Nothing”, when in reality you are the message that “Everything is Everything”.

Thought of the Day