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Let’s present it as simply as possible.

The exact difference between a limited concept of self mind (man) and an awakened whole mind (Master) is that a whole mind has no need to establish a concept of itself.

Isn’t it obvious that the whole problem is your need to ask the question: “What am I?” and attempt to find an answer?

To many of you now in this accelerated program of awakening, the absurdity of the observation and admission that not a single human being on earth really knows what he is, where he is, where he came from, or where he’s going and nothing at all about himself in relationship to the Universe that is apparently all around him, is becoming more and more intolerable.

Make no mistake about it. The place where you are apparently configurated in your limited self-identity is totally chaotic and well defined as insane. To be conscious self, which is what the Universe is, and then pretend you’re not, and attempt to establish a different separate identity is sheer madness.