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The idea of “Unconditional Love” is not really very valuable because your whole method of thinking is conditional. Strange as it may seem, nothing is more conditional than the admonition that you must “Love Unconditionally”. Students practicing Course in Miracles inevitably become highly conditional in their “Unconditional Love” attempts. The eternal paradox rears its head as perforce it must. It is the false certainty of objective consciousness that unconditionally is itself a condition. This is inevitably true since the idea of conditions is all that objective consciousness is. Objective consciousness’ idea about subjectivity (unconditionality) is exactly the opposite of what it is.

What we are apparently expressing then, is that Unconditional Love is only experiential, and so it is. But, wait a minute, let’s take a closer look for now we're at the crux of the problem.

Unconditional Love is not a state of Universal Consciousness, but rather what consciousness itself is. It must be then, since you are conscious, that even though you pretend not to know who you are, that what you are is what Total Love or Truth or God is. No matter how much you protest there is finally simply nothing else.

As an Awakened Teacher, I love you totally, very simply, because the parts about you that you think of as unlovable, have absolutely no meaning to me. I understand that you continue to think they do. In my process of Awakening, I was shown graphically and dramatically the unreality of individual entities on Earth.

In that regard, it couldn’t possibly make the slightest difference to me finally what attributes you seem to possess, or kinds of credentials you have obtained to identify yourself. None of them have the slightest validity because the consciousness that uses them to establish itself is simply non-existent. I know perfectly well who you are in reality.