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How strange that if you accept my certainty that it is impossible to die, since there is no death, it will destroy all of your hopes and plans for the future. It is quite impossible at your present consciousness level to accept the inevitability of eternal happiness. Your apparent security, peace of mind and happiness are structured on the premise of annihilation. You love to slay and slay to love.

Man sends his issue to be slain in the sacrificial ritual of war.

“I love you, Son; now die that I may live.” Men die but by the memory of their own death. To die is to fear - to live is to love.

We are come now because it is time for you to reckon with Life. It is not death you fear, but eternity. Since you are in love with death, everything in your conception loves to die. How viciously do you attack us when we attempt to take death from your hands. We would take from you your false ideas of crucifixion, destruction and death; and leave you but with eternal love and happiness. For this do you slay us.

You end up cherishing most what you hate, for without it you would lose your identity and remember that you are only love.