This series challenges your assumptions about yourself at the most fundamental level. The Master Teacher builds an irrefutable argument that you possess the power of mind to decide who and what you are and that you are now exercising that power in order to diminish yourself within an illusion of light reflection. Culminating in the Passion of the Christ, this series directs you to your own personal passionate ascension through resurrection achieved through the power of your mind. This series is a provocative invitation to a quantum re-identification through a broader range of Self-consciousness.
“In its most basic teaching, all teaching is only teaching your self. Civilization of man in the idea of consciousness identity, is the search for solution within his own concept of himself. He is always only constructing in his own mind decisions about what he wants to see; so he’s teaching what he wants to hear and since he teaches it, he hears it. Listen! He uses power of decision to change his mind from a thought of crucifixion to remembering the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He sees in an instant, in his power of mind, that the tomb is empty.”
- Master Teacher